
Showing posts from November, 2016

Doing Good!

And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. II Thessalonians 3:13 Dear Father, We praise you for your goodness! You are perfect and give us, Your children, perfect gifts. Thank you for the many good and perfect gifts You give us and for the ability to do good for those around us as well. St. John's has been blessed with so many good gifts. Thank you for Your continued presence among us. Thank you for our students and parents who give so much of their time to do good things for our school. Thank you for our teachers who do good in our classrooms daily. May our good deeds be seen among our neighbors and be a witness to You, Father in Heaven, for the many blessings from above! We pray this week for parent/teacher conferences. May they be a blessing to our teacher, students, and parents. May Your presence be among all and Your peace prevail throughout. Please also be with our teachers as they go to the Lutheran Educators' Conference next week. M...


When the  Lord  saw that he had gone over to look, God called  to him from within the bush,  “Moses! Moses!”  And Moses said, “Here I am.” Exodus 3:4 Heavenly Father, May all honor and Glory be to You for Your awesome power and dominion in our world. As Creator of all, You hold us all in your hands, bring peace to the nations, and provide for all. May your grace, love, and abundant care be with us. We come before You as sinful beings and humbly ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You for sending Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. May we continually come before You for help and strength to fight against the temptations of the devil. Thank you Father for our veterans! May those who have sacrificed for us be honored. We pray for the families of fallen soldiers. Bring comfort to them. We also pray for the military personnel who are actively defending this country from danger. Protect them and keep them close to You. We also pray for those service men and women...