
Showing posts from May, 2018

God's Handiwork

"For we are God’s handiwork,  created  in Christ Jesus to do good works,  which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 Dear God, our Father, As your handiwork, we are ever-grateful and praise your name for always being good to use and loving us. Your love flows for us through your Son Jesus and we love you for the gift of His life in place of ours. Although we are sinners, you chose to love us, just the way we are. We confess our sins to you and seek your forgiving power through Jesus. May we be white as snow in the blood of your Son. Thank you creating Father for the good works that you place before us. May we, St. John's, always be ready to do good works for your kingdom! Please continue to be with all of those in need. Watch over our students as they finish out the last week of the school year. Be with all families as summer soon begins! We pray this all in your powerful name! Amen!


"Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary  and lose heart." Hebrews 12:3 Dear Father in Heaven, Through you we endure the pain and suffering of this world and through you we receive our eternal reward in heaven. We praise you for watching over us, for loving us, and for always providing for our needs as you see fit. As the only God of the universe, we laud your name to all the ends of the world so that all may know that we are yours: a child of God! Although we sin much and deserve nothing, you are good and continue to give us good things. We confess our sins to you and thank you for the forgiveness you freely offer through your son Jesus! Without his love and power we would have nothing. We thank you for the confirmation of faith that so many 8th graders made on Sunday. May their faith continue to grow strong, while rooted in you alone! We thank you for a successful SJLS Gala and for the many, many people who gave freely ...

Joy to Endure

"For the joy set before him he endured the cross,  scorning its shame,  and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."  Hebrews 12:2b Father God, In perfection we are nothing, but because of your Son, Jesus, we have joy. May our joy in Him be never-ending and always centered in YOU and not in the things of this world. Your Son endured the cross and shame and guilt of us all, yet we are still called into your presence. Lord, forgive us when we do wrong and be with us as we seek your forgiveness. Thank you Father for your goodness and mercy everyday. Thank you for bringing back Pr. Tim to us and continue to be with him in his recovery. Please be with all St. John's students and families as we look forward to the end of the school you. We thank you for a wonderful school year and may we be blessed in these final weeks! We ask this all in your holy name! Amen!