Our Rock
“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," I Peter 2:7 Our Rock and our Redeemer, We praise your name, Jesus, for being our rock through the hard times and our redeemer through your sacrifice. Although we don't deserve it, we receive your love anyway. You are an awesome God who loves us with an everlasting love and we love you for that! Although we fall short of doing what we should for you and others we still desire to be near you. Please forgive us when we sin and be near us through our trials. We thank you your love and forgiveness! Thank you Jesus for your constant protection over us. We are especially thankful for a wonderful to Catalina Island for the 7th graders. Thank you for the fun that is always happening on campus and the deep learning accomplished by our students. We also thank you for our teachers and pastors who pour their hearts into the students weekly and daily. Jesus, continue to be with those who are ill and need your healing. ...