
Showing posts from April, 2017

Burning Hearts

“Were not our hearts burning within us  while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures  to us?” Luke 24:32 Dear Risen Lord, Praise to you Jesus as you continue to triumph over death and the grave! In this joyous Easter time, may we continually remember that we are saved only through your name and your sacrifice. Just as the disciples hearts burned as you spoke and unfolded the Scriptures to them, let our hearts burn to know you more. May we serve you with our whole body and soul so to bring you to the nations more and more. Lord please be with our 8th grade students, families and teachers as they are in Washington DC and New York City this week. May their minds be filled with history and knowledge. May their actions show you to other around them. Please keep them safe throughout the entire trip. Thank you Jesus for spring and flowers and beautiful weather around us. We are thankful that we live in such a wonderful place of beauty! We love you Jesus! ...

He is Risen!

6 " He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.  Come and see the place where he lay." Matthew 28:6 Dear Risen Lord, We praise you for your resurrection and the eternal life you bought with your suffering and death. Easter morning has come and has declared, yet again, that you are king of all. We praise and thank you for the great debt you have paid for us all so that we can sit before your throne in glory some day. Thank you Jesus for the love you showed, even when dying on the cross. Thank you for your triumph over death. Thank you for everlasting life with you! Help us to be ever thankful for the daily bread you provide for us each day and how much it cost you. Thank you Lord for the Easter break here at St. John's. I pray that you would keep all our students and families safe and bring them back rested and rejuvenated! Please be with us in the busy last months of schools and give us peace and comfort in all circumstances. Thank you for your many, many ble...

King of us all!

This is Jesus, the King of the Jews - Matthew 27:37 Dear Jesus, King, Lord, we praise you for your sacrifice and suffering. You took on the bond of hell and the torment of death for us poor sinners. Might we always remember this great sacrifice and always rejoice in your victory over Satan. Only through your perfect life, could we be saved. Lord may we come closer to you over Holy Week. May we hear the words of the passion and listen clearly to the message of love you provide. Help us to always think of your great love and act on that love to do good for others. We praise and thank you for a successful VIP day at St. John's! Our community is blessed beyond measure to have such a tremendous support network! Please be with all of our family and VIPs as we near Easter break. Keep them all healthy and well and fully engaged in you. Jesus, King, we are in awe of your goodness and mercy! Thank you for all that you give us! Amen!


" No, in all these things we are more than conquerors  through him who loved us." Romans 8:37 Father in heaven, You, in your great love, sent your only Son to conquer sin and death and the devil for us. What a wonderful gift you gave in your Son. Thank you for the sacrifice and love on our behalf. In a world that is so broke by sin, we are thankful for a community that battles against the sin of the world each day. Thank you for St. John's Lutheran Church and School. Thank you for the teacher, pastors, staff and administration that makes the St. John's community strong against the devil's snares! May all our families, students and staff be strengthened by your love and promises. We pray for all our VIPs who will be coming to campus this week. May we shine like your Morning Star and show everyone who comes that we are grounded in you and the salvation from Jesus. Help us to witness to all those in our midst each day, but especially on Friday for VIP day. ...