He is Risen!

6 "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay." Matthew 28:6

Dear Risen Lord,

We praise you for your resurrection and the eternal life you bought with your suffering and death. Easter morning has come and has declared, yet again, that you are king of all. We praise and thank you for the great debt you have paid for us all so that we can sit before your throne in glory some day.

Thank you Jesus for the love you showed, even when dying on the cross. Thank you for your triumph over death. Thank you for everlasting life with you! Help us to be ever thankful for the daily bread you provide for us each day and how much it cost you.

Thank you Lord for the Easter break here at St. John's. I pray that you would keep all our students and families safe and bring them back rested and rejuvenated! Please be with us in the busy last months of schools and give us peace and comfort in all circumstances.

Thank you for your many, many blessings! We love you Jesus!



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