I will be with him in trouble!

He will call on me, and I will answer him;

    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:15-16

God and Father,

We praise you God and Father of the entire universe. You display your power and glory to us daily in your creation and providence toward us. You are with us in every trouble and we thank and praise your name for that! You are our salvation and we magnify your name in all the earth for that great love.

Father, we don't deserve your love, but you give it to us anyway. Please forgive us our sins and give us true repentance and  redemption in your name. We praise you for your love and forgiveness.

Thank you God for all that you give us, even though we don't ask. Thank you for our life, our family, and your goodness daily. Thank you for St. John's and all that you bless us with through our church and school.

Please be with all those that need your healing touch. Be with those who mourn. Father, be with us and keep us healthy and safe in all circumstances. You give us every good thing, before we even ask. We praise you name for that!



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