Be near us and keep the evil far from us!

 "A thousand may fall at your side,

    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked." Psalm 91:7-8

Dear Father,

Thousands fall at your feet. Thousand fall at the sound of your name. You defeat the wicked and save us from the evil one. You are amazing God and keep your children in your care. We praise and thank you for your watching over us and always keeping the evil one far away from us.

Forgive us from straying from you. Cover us with your love as you forgive our sins. Father we love you and are so thankful for your goodness and mercy.

Thank you for being our good, good Father and protector. Our ever-present help in danger is you and you alone. Thank you for protecting our school and our families from the evil one. Continue to shelter us from the storm.

Please continue to be with our families that are struggling. Be with our students who need you. Help us to better reflect you and your mercies daily. We love you Lord!



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