Trust in the LORD

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding;

 in all your ways submit to him,

    and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Lord, God, Heavenly Father:

We put our trust in you Almighty God! You are our rock and our refuge. We praise and thank you for always loving us and always looking out for us. This is why we put our trust in You and You alone! May our minds always look to you and shun the ways of the world.

All too often we put our trust in things that are temporal and those things that will fade away. We confess that we do not always put our trust in You Lord. Please forgive us and draw us near to you through the forgiveness that you've given through Jesus.

Thank you Lord for all of the many blessings! Most of all, thank you for a great summer and a fantastic start to the school year. Thank you for our families, students, teachers, and staff that make YOUR school, St. John's, amazing!

Please be with us all Father as we continue to dwell in you. Heal the sick. Calm the fearful. Give strength to the weak. We put all our trust in YOU Lord!



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