The Most High Your Dwelling

 "If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”

    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent." Psalm 91:9-10

Lord Most High,

You are the Lord, the Most High God! We love you and praise your name! You above all are Lord of the universe and we praise you name. We make our dwelling in your so that no harm will overtake us. We put all our hope and trust in You, Lord!

There are times when we mistakenly rely on the ways of this world and our own power. We confess the times when we try to make our way and not follow YOUR way. Lord forgive us and love us, we humbly ask.

Thank you God Most High for being in our lives. We live in the tent of your love and righteousness! Thank you Jesus for being with us since the beginning of time and for giving your life for us all. Thank you for taking care of us (sometimes in ways we do not understand), but for always knowing what's best for us. 

Most High, be with all of those in Israel fighting hate. Bring wars everywhere to and end and show the world the power of your name. Heal those that need physical and mental healing. May we dwell in your peace and security always. Be with our campus, our families, our students, our staff. Bless us and keep us safe always!

Lord, Most High, we love you! Amen!


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