"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:11

Savior of the Nations,

All praise and glory to You, Mighty One, for coming to this earth as a baby to save us from our sins. Honor and glory to You, Prince of Peace, for coming to us in humble human form to bring us to the Father. Thanks and glory to you, Emmanuel, for living a perfect life and loving us perfectly.

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we come before you and confess our sins. May we prepare for your coming with contrite hearts and lives filled with love and service to you and others rather than selfish ambitions and desires. Forgive us for our shortcomings and bring us to your side.

Thank you Lord for all the many blessings in 2016! St. John's Lutheran Church and School has been blessed for over 100 years with Your presence and we ask that you continue to be with us. Bless our staff, students, and families as we worship you and take a break from school for a bit. Thank you for your divine protection among us and please be with all families as they travel near and far this Christmas time.

Thank you Lord for your birth, perfect life, death, and resurrection so that we could be brought to the Father's right hand in heaven!

We love you Jesus!


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