Our Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11

Dear Shepherd,

Praise to you Lord Jesus for going before us to prepare a place for us in heaven. Because of your perfect life, death and resurrection, you have prepared the pasture for us to enter through you: our gate to everlasting life. May we ever look to you to find our way.

We come like humble sheep before you and ask for forgiveness for our sins. We have gone astray and seek the Shepherd, you, to lead us through this valley of sin. May we ever seek your light.

Thank you Lord Jesus for your Word and Sacrament that beings us close to you. We especially thank you for the many individuals who were baptized over the weekend. We pray that your Holy Spirit would dwell boldly in them and us. Thank you also for your protect over the 8th grade class trip. Thank you for getting everyone there and back safely.

Please grant everyone health and vitality in these final weeks of the school year! Thank you Jesus for your goodness and mercy!



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