
Showing posts from September, 2017

Demonstrated Love

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 Dear Jesus, Your love has no depth. It is so deep we cannot imagine it, but we love you for it and are in awe of it! Your power over death is in your great love for us, your children. How wonderful to be a child of God! Although you love us without end, we are sinful and do not deserve it. Praise and honor to you for covering our sin with your blood and loving us still! Salvation is love and we are forever grateful. Thank you Jesus, Prince of Peace, of the peace and tranquility you provide to us here at St. John's. Although there is much strife in the world, you have provided peace. Thank you for that peace and love and protection always! Jesus, please be with all those how mourn the loss of loved ones. Be with those who are sick and keep your healing touch. You know all needs and turn them all over to you, Lord, great King of all. In your holy name ...

Faith is Confidence!

" Now faith is confidence in what we hope for  and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 Dear Father, We know that you are the giver of faith and we have confidence in that gift of faith because all good things come from you. Thank you for your gift of faith and the assurance that you will always be with us through any life circumstance or hardship. Father, we often have a hard time remaining confident in you because of the sin and corruption of the world. Strengthen our faith in you so that we can live the confident life you have prepared for us. Also keep us confident in your promise of eternal life through your Son Jesus. Be with St. John's and our students as we use the MAP Growth testing these next two weeks. Help the students remain calm and confident in their learning. Let the testing be edifying to you and our families. As the Great Physician, please continue to be with those in our community who are sick and of failing health. Bring healing ...

Live by Faith

"Th e r ighteous person  will live by his faithfulness." Habakkuk 2:4 Dear Father, Father and creator of all, we praise you for your good and gracious gifts to us! You give us daily food and drink, but also gifts that do not even know we need. Thank you for always giving us what we need at just the right time! We praise you for your gift of faith. You were faithful to your first creation and continue to be ever-faithful even today. Thank you for the heroes of the faith that have gone before us. May we learn from them, yet always rely solely on you! Father, please be with all those individuals who were in the path of hurricane Irma. Be with them to keep them safe, even though the storm has passed. Give them strength and courage always. Continue to be with those affected by hurricane Harvey, as well. Help with the clean up and recovery of all victims of natural disaster around the world. Thank you for St. John's Lutheran Church and School. Help us to continue to b...

The Gift

"But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man,  how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ,  overflow to the many!" Romans 5:15 Dear Jesus, Your gift of grace and salvation is the best gift we could ever receive! In your awesome time and power you came to the world to live a perfect life for us. All praise and glory to you for your love and gift of salvation. Lord our sins are many. Help us in our times of temptation and trial. Let us put trust in you and you alone and forget about the offers from Satan. Help us to know that you offer forgiveness of those sins through your grace. Let your forgiveness dwell deeply in our souls and may we forever praise you for that gift. Thank you Lord for a restful and extended weekend. May we come back to school rested and refreshed! Thank you for a successful beginning of the school year. Thank you for our families we serve and our teac...