The Gift

"But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!" Romans 5:15

Dear Jesus,

Your gift of grace and salvation is the best gift we could ever receive! In your awesome time and power you came to the world to live a perfect life for us. All praise and glory to you for your love and gift of salvation.

Lord our sins are many. Help us in our times of temptation and trial. Let us put trust in you and you alone and forget about the offers from Satan. Help us to know that you offer forgiveness of those sins through your grace. Let your forgiveness dwell deeply in our souls and may we forever praise you for that gift.

Thank you Lord for a restful and extended weekend. May we come back to school rested and refreshed! Thank you for a successful beginning of the school year. Thank you for our families we serve and our teachers who dedicate their lives to YOU and educating children.

Jesus, please continue to be with all of those affected by hurricane Harvey. Help them get the needed resources and help to get life back to normal. Especially be with Lutheran South Academy and their relief efforts. May we be a blessing to them through our offerings.

We love you Jesus and thank you for the free gift of salvation! Amen!


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