Live by Faith

"The righteous person will live by his faithfulness." Habakkuk 2:4

Dear Father,

Father and creator of all, we praise you for your good and gracious gifts to us! You give us daily food and drink, but also gifts that do not even know we need. Thank you for always giving us what we need at just the right time!

We praise you for your gift of faith. You were faithful to your first creation and continue to be ever-faithful even today. Thank you for the heroes of the faith that have gone before us. May we learn from them, yet always rely solely on you!

Father, please be with all those individuals who were in the path of hurricane Irma. Be with them to keep them safe, even though the storm has passed. Give them strength and courage always. Continue to be with those affected by hurricane Harvey, as well. Help with the clean up and recovery of all victims of natural disaster around the world.

Thank you for St. John's Lutheran Church and School. Help us to continue to be a beacon of hope in this world. Let your Word ever-flourish on our campus and let our voice praise you forever!



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