
Showing posts from October, 2017

From Everlasting to Everlasting!

"Praise be to you,  Lord ,      the God of our father Israel,      from everlasting to everlasting." I Chronicles 29:10 Dear Father, All praise is due to you for your great and glorious love for us! You are our father and we owe you everything. Thank you for never forgetting us or forsaking us. Thank you for your power and grace in our lives! We thank you Father for your love in our lives, but we know that we are sinful and need you. Help us to confess our sins to you and seek you in our lives. May we always look to Jesus instead of to the world for help. In the midst of the darkest days, you are the light. Please be the light for our entire community. Be with those who are experiencing trials and hurt. Be with our teachers who need healing and grant them recovery. Help our students and families who may be sick or hurting. May your power always shine through us, your children. We thank you for your might deeds and outstretched ar...

Increase our Faith!

" The apostles   said to the Lord,   “Increase our faith!” 6  He replied,  “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,  you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you." Luke 17:5-6 Dear Father, Just as the Disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, we come to you with the same plea. Our sin-soaked world wants to push you away, but we desire you to be close to us. Send your Holy Spirit to increase our faith so that we might always remember your great love for us. Sometimes our faith is weak. You said that faith can move mountains. Let our trust in you abound greatly and always be a part of everyday life. May we be a beacon or light to others so they might draw close to you. Thank you Lord for safety and prosperity. We pray that you would continue to be with those recovering from the fires. Help homes to be rebuilt and lives to be restored. Be with those at St. John's who are struggling in mind and ...


"Then Jesus said to Simon,  “Don’t be afraid;  from now on you will fish for people.”   11  So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him." Luke 5:10b-11 Dear Lord Jesus, Just as you can confidence to so many people during your days on earth, your people look to you now for confidence, peace and safety. Our hearts are not pure like yours, but fill our hearts with your Holy Spirit that we might leave our fears and apprehensions behind and follow you with our whole being. Jesus, even your disciples had times when they were afraid and confused. With so many tragedies happening in the world, we are afraid and confused. Help us to find YOU in all of those happenings and see your good grace and help in every trying and difficult situation. You are the only source of goodness and mercy, let our eyes always see that. Jesus, we THANK YOU for your divine providence and protection over us with the fires last week. We praise and thank you that ...


"Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10 Dear Father, Creator: You are a marvelous God who reigns above all things. From the beginning of time you were there as the creator and source of all goodness and wisdom. May we be bold and put our entire faith and trust in you. For you created the heavens and the earth and all things in it, including us. You look past or sin and shame because of your Son's perfect sacrifice. May we trust you completely for all health, healing, happiness and eternal life with you. You knew from the beginning that we would need a Savior. In the goodness of time you sent your only Son to die on a cross, even though he was perfect. May we always remember that perfect sacrifice and ever-praise you for your love and mercy. Father we have many needs and we trust you completely to take care of those needs. Please bring healing to those how need it. Please bring assurance to those ...

Power of Prayer in Christ

This is the confidence  we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I John 5:14 Dear Heavenly Father, Creator and Lord of lords, as you hold the world in your hand you also hold us in your heart. We praise you for your goodness and mercy you provide us. Thank you for taking care of us even though we don't deserve it. Only your all-powerful, all-loving nature could provide for us like this and we are ever-blessed by you! Father, we do not know how to pray without your Spirit and help. Please dwell in our hearts so that we can boldly pray for our needs and the needs of others. Help us to pray in confidence in your and your power. Father, please be with Linda Warneke and boldly heal her. Be with the doctors and family members who are caring for her. We boldly ask for her healing and health. Father, please be with all those who are hurting from the tragedy in Las Vegas. We cannot understand the reasons for this, but please give us p...