
"Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

Dear Father, Creator:

You are a marvelous God who reigns above all things. From the beginning of time you were there as the creator and source of all goodness and wisdom. May we be bold and put our entire faith and trust in you.

For you created the heavens and the earth and all things in it, including us. You look past or sin and shame because of your Son's perfect sacrifice. May we trust you completely for all health, healing, happiness and eternal life with you.

You knew from the beginning that we would need a Savior. In the goodness of time you sent your only Son to die on a cross, even though he was perfect. May we always remember that perfect sacrifice and ever-praise you for your love and mercy.

Father we have many needs and we trust you completely to take care of those needs. Please bring healing to those how need it. Please bring assurance to those who struggling. Please bring wisdom to those who seek it.

May we bring all glory and honor to you, holy Lord. Amen!


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