
"Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him." Luke 5:10b-11

Dear Lord Jesus,

Just as you can confidence to so many people during your days on earth, your people look to you now for confidence, peace and safety. Our hearts are not pure like yours, but fill our hearts with your Holy Spirit that we might leave our fears and apprehensions behind and follow you with our whole being.

Jesus, even your disciples had times when they were afraid and confused. With so many tragedies happening in the world, we are afraid and confused. Help us to find YOU in all of those happenings and see your good grace and help in every trying and difficult situation. You are the only source of goodness and mercy, let our eyes always see that.

Jesus, we THANK YOU for your divine providence and protection over us with the fires last week. We praise and thank you that our church and school families are safe and experience no loss of life or property.

Lord, we love you and praise your Holy Name! Amen!


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