
Showing posts from April, 2019

He is Risen!

" They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together   34  and saying, “It is true! The Lord  has risen and has appeared to Simon.” Luke 24:33-34 Dear Risen Lord, We praise and thank you Lord Jesus for your power over death and Satan. You overcame death and gave us all life eternal through faith in you. Your power is awesome and we thank and praise you for your love! Although we deserve death, you give us life. Thank you Jesus for your power over our sin and for washing us in your grace. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for your provision and protection for all of our families and students over the break. Thank you for always taking care of us in your perfect way! Jesus, please continue to be with Steve Grack. Heal him in your perfect ways. Please be with all of our students as they returned to school this week. Continue to protect and care for the 8th graders on their trip to the ea...

Happy Easter!

Many happy Easter blessings to you and yours this joyous time of year!

Praise the Lord

" Praise the   Lord ,   my soul;      all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2  Praise the  Lord ,  my soul,      and forget not  all his benefits—" Psalm 103: 1-2 Dear Father, We most certainly praise your name above all other names, kingdoms and governments. You alone hold the keys to eternal life and you alone are the source of all things good. We praise and thank you for always remembering us and blessings us. We confess that there are times when we forget you. We forget your love and care for us an we try to do things on our own. Please forgive our shortsightedness and forgetfulness. Help us to always look to you alone. Thank you Father for always keeping us in your loving arms. Thank you for always remembering what we need and giving it to us at just the right time. Please continue to be with and heal Steve Grack. With with and heal all of those who are ill and recovering. Be with our stu...

Immeasurably More!

" Now to him who is able  to do immeasurably more than all we ask  or imagine, according to his power  that is at work within us" Ephesians 3:20 Dear Heavenly Father, Your work in us is so much more than we could ever imagine! We praise you for creating us to do so much for your kingdom! We often times try to work our own ways and our own purposes. Let us always find our refuge in you to work through you and in you for your purposes. Thank you Father for your love. Your protection. Your grace. You have blessed us so much and we just cannot thank you enough! Please continue to be with those who need your healing. Be with Steve Grack and heal him as is you your will. Continue give us strength and purposes and perseverance as we work toward spring break. We love you God! Amen!