He is Risen!

"They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together 34 and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.” Luke 24:33-34

Dear Risen Lord,

We praise and thank you Lord Jesus for your power over death and Satan. You overcame death and gave us all life eternal through faith in you. Your power is awesome and we thank and praise you for your love!

Although we deserve death, you give us life. Thank you Jesus for your power over our sin and for washing us in your grace.

Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for your provision and protection for all of our families and students over the break. Thank you for always taking care of us in your perfect way!

Jesus, please continue to be with Steve Grack. Heal him in your perfect ways. Please be with all of our students as they returned to school this week. Continue to protect and care for the 8th graders on their trip to the east coast and bring them home safely.

We pray this all in your powerful name! Amen!


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