Praise the Lord

"Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—" Psalm 103: 1-2

Dear Father,

We most certainly praise your name above all other names, kingdoms and governments. You alone hold the keys to eternal life and you alone are the source of all things good. We praise and thank you for always remembering us and blessings us.

We confess that there are times when we forget you. We forget your love and care for us an we try to do things on our own. Please forgive our shortsightedness and forgetfulness. Help us to always look to you alone.

Thank you Father for always keeping us in your loving arms. Thank you for always remembering what we need and giving it to us at just the right time.

Please continue to be with and heal Steve Grack. With with and heal all of those who are ill and recovering. Be with our students and their families as we get ready to celebrate our school this week! Please bless the annual gala and all those many hands that made it possible.

We ask this all in your holy name! Amen!


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