
"...for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:19

Dear Father, Creator:

Since the fall of humankind you have seen the depravity of our sin, yet you have also provided the Light of our salvation. We praise you for keeping your promise to all those you have called to your side. You promised to send your Son to Adam and Eve and you demonstrated your love and promise-keeping to us by sending him to the cross.

Thank you for your love and forgiveness. As we meditate on our sinful nature throughout Lent, we also remember and thank you for your love through Jesus life, death and Resurrection. Thank you for overcoming sin, death and the devil for us! May we always remember the great sacrifice you gave for us.

We ask that you continue to be with all those in our community that are sick and recovering from illness. Bring them back to us healthy. We also ask you to be with all of those who are fighting severe disease. Be with the doctors and caregivers. Be with all St. John's families as we near a long weekend. Keep them safe and healthy.

We ask this all in your powerful and loving name,


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