Faithful Promises

"And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she[b] considered him faithful who had made the promise." Hebrews 11:11

Dear Eternal Father,

You are forever faithful! We praise and thank you that even in the face of adversity, you remain faithful. Sarah, even at an old age, had a child that was a decedent of your Holy Son. You fulfilled your promise through her and we are forever grateful!

Since Adam we have been stuck in our sinful flesh. We ask for forgiveness for all those things we have done and all those things we have thought that are contrary to your good and faithful purpose. May you forever shine through our darkest nature.

Father we are thankful for all that you give us. From the food that we eat to the clothes that we wear, you are there providing for every circumstance. Thank you for your Word that is proclaimed daily at St. John's and for all those faithful servants who preach and teach your Word.

We come before you in humble gratitude for the many gifts you have given us and ask for other requests as well. Please be with Mrs. Warneke, Mrs. Barber and all those who are hurting and seeking healing from your merciful hand. Be with all those around the world suffering. Also, we with those who are affected by the fires in Southern California. Thank you for your merciful hand over us!

We prayer this in your powerful name! Amen!


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