Mighty Warrior

 When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.Judges 6:12

Dear Father-Warrior,

You are our warrior and empower us to be warriors for your Word in the world. We praise you for your power and might that you would love and care for us so much! For you are all-powerful, so that kingdoms rise and fall. May we be in awe of your might!

Although you are powerful, we are weak. Help us in our weakness! Though we are sinful, you are sinless and we adore you for your perfect love. Help us in our sin so that we may be forgiven and bask in your glory!

Thank you for your provision over our lives and your love in our hearts!

Please be with all those students and family members who are sick and hurting. Bring your healing power to them. Please continue to be with St. John's as we minister to people throughout Lent. 

Thank you Jesus, we love you!


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