
Showing posts from March, 2018

Easter Blessings!

Dear Father, May this blessed Easter time fill us with renewed hope in your Son, Jesus Christ, who laid down his life for us and rose on Easter morning to defeat death on our behalf. Be with our families and our students. Bring them closer to you! May we have a blessed Easter, reflecting in your love and goodness.  In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

The Risen Lord

"You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here."  Mark 16:6 Dear Risen Lord, You are awesome and mighty and we praise you for your power over death and the devil. You rose from the dead to eternally defeat the power of death and to win us eternal life with you. We laud and magnify your name for your love and awesome deeds! Although we are sinners you still loved us with an everlasting love. Help our unbelief and sin so that we may draw closer to you always. Thank you Father for sending your son as a sacrifice for our sins. We cannot be perfect, but Jesus was the perfect offering in our place. We are forever thankful for your love and provision over us! Jesus, please be with everyone in the St. John's community as we break for Easter. Bring us to worship with you. Keep us safe over the break and bring us back safely to school.  We love you Jesus, our Risen Lord! Amen!

The Mountain of the Lord

"This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: 2  In the last days the mountain  of the  Lord ’s temple will be established      as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted  above the hills,      and all nations will stream to it." Isaiah 2:1-2 Dear Lord, We exalt you above all for your goodness and perfect love for us. In your great compassion you exalted your only Son to the cross to save our souls. Your great Mountain was brought low for us. For that you are to be praised forever! We are weak and you are strong. Thank you for being our strong tower, our mountain to which we look. May we always rejoice in your strength even through we are weak with sin. Thank you for your goodness and mercy to us! We are loved by you and thankful for your constant provision in our lives. Please continue to be with our families and students who are sick and healing. Please send your he...

Power through God

And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak,  Samson  and Jephthah,  about David  and Samuel  and the prophets,   33  who through faith conquered kingdoms,  administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34  quenched the fury of the flames,  and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength;  and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Hebrews 11:32-34 Most powerful God and Father, We praise you for your power and dominion you have over your creation. Through you the prophets of old lead your people. Through your Son, His power was displayed in His resurrection. Through the apostles and saints you continue the power of your Word in the church. We are in awe of these mighty deeds! Though you are powerful, we are weak. Help us in our weakness. Forgive us our sins and bring us back into communion with you. Thank you for your...


Now Deborah,  a prophet,  the wife of Lappidoth, was leading [ a ]  Israel at that time. Judges 4:4 Dear Father in Heaven, Your mercies are new everyday and we thank you for your leadership in our lives. Our power brings us close to you as a hen gathers her chicks. We praise you for your abundant love for us through your son! Although we fail to keep your law, you still love us with an everlasting love. Help us to do what we need to follow you in purity and truth. Forgive us when we fail and always keep us close to your heart, because you have called us to your side by Jesus. Thank you for always leading us through the darkness of this world. Sin clouds our view, but you bring it clear. Thank you for always providing your love to see us through. Thank you for all the leaders you have put before us. Be with them and bless them and us through them. Father, please be with all those who are suffering or sick. Heal them and bring them back to their loved ones. Please...