
Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading[a] Israel at that time. Judges 4:4

Dear Father in Heaven,

Your mercies are new everyday and we thank you for your leadership in our lives. Our power brings us close to you as a hen gathers her chicks. We praise you for your abundant love for us through your son!

Although we fail to keep your law, you still love us with an everlasting love. Help us to do what we need to follow you in purity and truth. Forgive us when we fail and always keep us close to your heart, because you have called us to your side by Jesus.

Thank you for always leading us through the darkness of this world. Sin clouds our view, but you bring it clear. Thank you for always providing your love to see us through. Thank you for all the leaders you have put before us. Be with them and bless them and us through them.

Father, please be with all those who are suffering or sick. Heal them and bring them back to their loved ones. Please bless all of the families at St. John's. Hold them close to you and help them trust in your peace and love. 

We love you Jesus!


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