The Mountain of the Lord

"This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
In the last days
the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
    as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
    and all nations will stream to it." Isaiah 2:1-2

Dear Lord,

We exalt you above all for your goodness and perfect love for us. In your great compassion you exalted your only Son to the cross to save our souls. Your great Mountain was brought low for us. For that you are to be praised forever!

We are weak and you are strong. Thank you for being our strong tower, our mountain to which we look. May we always rejoice in your strength even through we are weak with sin.

Thank you for your goodness and mercy to us! We are loved by you and thankful for your constant provision in our lives.

Please continue to be with our families and students who are sick and healing. Please send your healing power to them. Be with those who are hurting because of violence. Bring your peace to them and to our world. Continue to bless us and our St. John's church and school family.

We love you Jesus! Amen!


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