The Risen Lord

"You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene,who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here." Mark 16:6

Dear Risen Lord,

You are awesome and mighty and we praise you for your power over death and the devil. You rose from the dead to eternally defeat the power of death and to win us eternal life with you. We laud and magnify your name for your love and awesome deeds!

Although we are sinners you still loved us with an everlasting love. Help our unbelief and sin so that we may draw closer to you always.

Thank you Father for sending your son as a sacrifice for our sins. We cannot be perfect, but Jesus was the perfect offering in our place. We are forever thankful for your love and provision over us!

Jesus, please be with everyone in the St. John's community as we break for Easter. Bring us to worship with you. Keep us safe over the break and bring us back safely to school. 

We love you Jesus, our Risen Lord!



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