New Beginnings and Blessings

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5

To You who is seated on the throne:

God you are the creator of the universe, the large, small and everything in between. You are worthy to be praised for all things new and old and yet to come. Our glory goes to you for all things we have!

Although you are mighty we are weak. Be with us in our weakness. We confess our failings to you and seek your mercy and forgiveness. Thank you for your Son Jesus and his healing forgiveness!

Thank you for all of your blessings and mercies that are new everyday! Thank you for health and healing in all things and all ways for us!

Please be with us and continue to bless us mightily! Be with all of our parents as they continue to work hard to raise their children. Give them all things they need for their children and family. Be with all those new families that are interested in St. John's.  Bless them and hold them close to you, so that we may serve them!

We pray this all in Jesus name! Amen!


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