
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

Dear Lord of All,

You alone knit the universe together in all its splendor. You also created the smallest sands on the beach. We give you all the glory for your mighty splendor big and small!

You are ever patience, slow to anger and filled with love. We are quick to react and fast to fury. Forgive our impatience and fill us with love and hope for you in your time.

Thank you Father and Lord of All for the many gifts you give us each day. Thank you for the gift of an awesome school that proclaims your name to boldly!

Please be with all those who are sick and feeling the strain of pain. Be with all of our students and parents as we continue to learn and grow this year. Be with our school as we continue to enroll and reenroll students. We give you all the glory!



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