Let no one Fall

"It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall." Romans 14:21

Dear Father,

You are the God of all people and all property for you created the universe! We are in awe of you and give you the glory.

Since everything belongs to you, we can claim nothing as our own and give freely to our neighbors. We confess that we do not always give as we should nor do we always empathize with those that we should. Forgive our short-sighted vision and help us to always be thinking about how we can serve our neighbor.

Thank you for always give us grace and forgiveness through Jesus! Jesus gave us the ultimate sacrifice and we praise you for that free gift of grace!

Please continue to be with all of those who are sick. Bring them healing. Continue to be with those who are experiencing hardships of any kind. Bring them favorable conclusions. Be with St. John's Church and School that we might all bring more people to YOU Lord!

We love you Jesus! Amen!


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