The Good Shepherd

"“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11

Our Shepherd,

You, Jesus are our rock and redeemer AND our Good, Good Shepherd. We worship and praise you for your guidance over us and all we do and all we say and all whom we encounter. Thank you for loving us so much!

Although we desire good, we do evil. Although we want to follow you, we follow others. Please forgive us our sins where we stray and always lead us back to the fold of your flock.

Thank you for your divine providence over our lives. Our school and church and all of our families are in your hands. Please bless us as we serve you.

We all have many needs. Lord please hear our prayers for safety, healing and strength. Please blessed those around us and bless us all with all that we need. Please bless our students as we near the end of the school year and help us finish it well!

In Jesus precious name we pray! Amen!


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