Called into Your Light!

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I Peter 2:9

God, our Father,

Thank you Father for your provision among us. You are a mighty God that we come to praise you in love and adoration. You are truly an amazing God above all!

Although you are amazing, we are weak and poor. Create in us a clean heart so that might be cleaned in your love and sacrifice. Thank you for making us whole!

Thank you Father for calling us our of the darkness of our sin and into the light of your love and Son Jesus! Thank you for always watching over us and keeping us from harm. Thank you for all your many, many blessings!

Please continue to bless all those that mourn. We are sad for the families that have lost loved ones. Be near them and bring them peace and comfort. Please continue to bless our teachers and parents as they come together for conferences this week. Bless our families as many travel over the long holiday. Please continue to bless St. John's!



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