Child of the Light

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin." 1 John 1:7

Dear Father in Heaven,

You are the light as we are in the light through your Son Jesus. We are blessed by your amazing love for us and your constant protection over us. Only through your mercy do we have life and salvation for eternal life. Thank you Father for your all-encompassing compassion for us.

Your Son Jesus as purified us from our sins. We confess those sins to you and ask for your continued love and forgiveness. May we always bask in your purified light and love.

Thank you Father for your care and provision for us. Thank you for keeping our community happy and healthy. Thank you for the very many blessings throughout our St. John's families and community.

Please be with all those who are sick and battling all sorts of illnesses. Please heal those that are sick. Father, continue to be with our St. John's community. Keep us safe and healthy in all circumstances. Bless our students and teachers throughout the continued opening of schools!

We love you Jesus!



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