Plans of the Heart

 "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

Heavenly Father,

You have an amazing purpose for our lives and we are in awe of your power and love. We praise you for your presence in our lives that drives our purpose. May we be ever thankful for your love and gifts to us, no matter the circumstances.

Father we are sinful, yet you love us still. Be with us through our failures and help us to feel the depth of your love. We are so thankful for that Jesus, your Son, died for those sins. Thank you Father for that salvation!

There is so much to be thankful for Lord. Help grow a spirit of thankfulness in our hearts that is ever mindful of your great compassion for us. Thank you for blessing our school and students and families daily!

Lord the prayers of our heart are in your ears. Hear our deepest cries for help and answer them as you see fit in your divine plan. Lord we especially pray for those who are fighting cancer and other illnesses. Be near them, heal them, and let them feel your loving peace. Be with families who mourn and look forward to the resurrection of loved ones. Let your compassion fall over them and comfort them. Continue to bless our school, our teachers, and our families in mighty ways.

We love you Lord! Amen!


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