The Good Shepherd

 "“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep." John 10:14-15

Good Shepherd,

You are a good, good Father and know what is good for your sheep -- your children. We praise and thank you for watching over us and giving us good gifts, even if we don't deserve it. We praise you for Advent when we prepare our hearts for your coming birth. We eagerly listen for your voice in all we say and do.

Father, forgive us our sins and cleanse us from sinfulness. We confess our shortcomings to you and bask in your grace and love. Thank you for loving us, Good Shepherd of all.

Thank you for always watching out for us and knowing us by name. You have sent your Son to be born in a manger to save us from our sins. Thank you for that salvation that we celebrate during Christmas. We love the newborn babe in the manger!

Father, please bless all those that are sick and in need of your care. We ask you to heal those that have the flu, COVID, and RSV. Bring them back to health and back to school. As we get ready to celebrate your birth, prepare our hearts to embrace Jesus as our savior and let us always be focused on You and You alone. Father we love you!



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