The Great Shepherd

 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,

    are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
    who will shepherd my people Israel.’[b]” Matthew 2:6

Jesus, new-born King:

We laud and magnify your name for the great work you have done in saving your people. You have come to earth as a baby to show your great love and sacrifice for us. Your amazing grace has been poured on us and we are so grateful to be your children for all time.

Lord, we are sorry for the sins we have committed. Please forgive us and help us to draw near to what is good and pleasing in your sight. May we always be whole only through you.

Jesus, thank you for so many blessings. Celebrating your birth and being with family is such a blessings. Thank you for the Christmas holiday and keeping our community safe. Thank you for bringing us back safely and starting the new year in your name. 

Savior, please continue to be with all those who need your healing touch. Be with those in our community that need to be whole in body and mind. We come before you to ask for continued safety and blessings on our community. We are thankful that we can come together to worship and learn in your name. Please continue this for many more years! Continue to bless our teachers, students, and families mightily in your name!

We love you Jesus! Amen!


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