Savior of the Nations

           Savior of the nations, come, Virgin’s Son, make here Your home!

            Marvel now, O heav’n and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth.

Dear Savior of the Nations, Lord Jesus Christ:

You have come down from heaven to make your home among us, Oh Savior! We praise and thank you for being the loving and gracious God you are. We praise you for your goodness and always willing spirit to forgive and love us! You came to earth because you love us and we praise your birth as we celebrate Christmas.

We need a savior. Our sinful condition begs for forgiveness. You came to earth through the virgin Mary, lived a perfect life, died and rose to give us that forgiveness. We praise and thank you for that forgiveness of sins now and forever!

Thank you for coming to earth us the form of a human so that you could experience our humanity. Thank you for living that perfect life so that we can experience your divinity in heaven one day! Thank you for Christmas where we get to marvel at the story of your birth and be ever-grateful!

Savior, be with us all over the Christmas holidays. Keep everyone safe. Bring your Word into the lives of all those around. Help us to worship you in grace and truth. We love you Jesus!


1. Savior of the nations, come, Virgin’s Son, make here Your home!

            Marvel now, O heav’n and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth.
            2. Not by human flesh and blood, By the Spirit of our God,
            Was the Word of God made flesh—Woman’s offspring, pure and fresh.
            3. Here a maid was found with child, Yet remained a virgin mild.
            In her womb this truth was shown: God was there upon His throne.
            4. Then stepped forth the Lord of all / From His pure and kingly hall;
            God of God, yet fully man, His heroic course began.
            5. God the Father was His source, Back to God He ran His course.
            Into hell His road went down, Back then to His throne and crown.
            6. For You are the Father’s Son / Who in flesh the vict’ry won.
            By Your mighty pow’r make whole / All our ills of flesh and soul.
            7. From the manger newborn light / Shines in glory through the night.
            Darkness there no more resides; In this light faith now abides.
            8. Glory to the Father sing, Glory to the Son, our king,
            Glory to the Spirit be / Now and through eternity.         -- LSB 332


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