How Majestic!

 "Lord, our Lord,

    how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1

Lord, God, our refuge,

O Lord, our Lord, you are majestic and worth of all our praise! You are our God from everlasting to everlasting. May you be praised by us all day long. You give us good gifts and we praise you for all your goodness!

Although you give us all good things, we don't deserve them. Help our sin and unbelief. May we ever-place our trust in you. Help us to turn to you when things get tough instead of turning to the world.

Lord God, thank you for all of your love and concern for us. Thank you for the over-abundance of blessings that you give us all! Thank you for your Son Jesus!

Majestic God, continue to bless us, your school, in every way possible. Bless our families and our teachers and our staff. Be with us through joy and sorrow. Be with those students who are sick and need healing. Help us all to finish this month strong in your name!



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