Alive in Christ!

"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." Romans 6:11

Dear Lord Jesus,

Although we are dead in our sins, you have given us new life through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Be merciful to us sinners and give us your grace. We praise you for your goodness and mercy. Only you know our hearts and all glory to you for loving us through the lens of Christ.

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice. As we move into the season of Epiphany, help us to remember all of events of your life that you did to show us your love and grace and mercy. You worked miraculously with those around you in your time  on earth and you continue to work through your people today. Help us to see you in all things.

We ask you to be with all of the students, teachers, parents, and staff members at St. John's. As we move into the longer winter term, help us all to remain patient, work together, and come to you for all our needs. Please be with all those who are sick or frail. Comfort those who have experienced loss and uplift the needy. Help us to help them.

Thank you Jesus for your goodness and love! We love you Jesus!



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