Strength in God!

"David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty." I Samuel 17:45

Heavenly Father,

We magnify your name in all the earth as you have the power to create, to destroy, to bless. May we always be in awe of your wondrous deed and your mighty arm that has always been lovingly by our side since creation. In you, all power is made perfect and all earthly powers bow before. Let your power be among us.

Father, we thank you for the power you show us in baptism. The faith that you created for us through baptism is power. We praise you for the 21 baptisms that happened in chapel last week! May we always remember our baptism and the faith that you give us in it. Help us to help others who have yet to come to faith. may we be examples and display your Words and deeds to others as an example.

We thank you for our students who marvelously praise your name on Sunday mornings in worship. Thank you for the voices that sing, the parents who bring, and the ears that hear those praises!

All glory and awe are given to you!



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