Identity in Christ

"Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[e]Matthew 4:10

Dear Jesus, Lord,

We come to you knowing that we are tempted daily and fall short of your perfect standard. We are in awe of your power to withstand the temptations of Satan and humbly ask you to give us that same power so we may withstand his temptations as well! Only through your power will be be able to hold back the snares of the devil.

Lord we thank you for your goodness and mercy that you pour out on us daily. We ask that you give us a healthy measure of your grace to make it through the deluge of sin in our lives and this world. Help us see you in everything and make decisions based on your work in our lives. Strengthen our faith so that we may make a stand against the powers of evil in this world.

Jesus, we ask you to please be with all of our school members who are battling health concerns. Be with Elyse, Hannah, Robin, Stephanie and others who are fighting battles with sickness. Grant the doctors wisdom for healing and relief. Help heal those who are battling the flu and other illnesses. Bring them to health quickly as is your will!

We ask these things in your humble and precious name, Jesus!



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