The Blind Will See!

39 Jesus said,[a] “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.” John 9:39

Dear Lord Jesus,

We praise you for the gift of physical and spiritual sight. You gave your perfect life on the cross so that we could see your glory through faith in you. We can only receive this through your perfect sacrifice and we are forever grateful for the spiritual sight we have through faith.

We pray for all of the spiritually blind in our midst. May our words reach those who have not heard your good news and may our actions demonstrate your love to others. Lord, we desire to win people for you!

Jesus, you are the great healer of spirit and body. Please heal those who are ill and suffering from disease and poor health. Be with the elderly and keep them in your care. Especially, be with Pastor Bob that his ankle would heal.

We pray this and all those other things that are in our hearts! In your precious name, Jesus!



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