Empathy and Compassion

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" I John 3:17

Dear Father,

In the midst of a busy and frantic life, we look to you for refuge and strength. Only through your power can we begin to tread the waves of this world. We praise you for you goodness, mercy and love over us and your creation. How great you are!

We often turn a blind eye to our brother in need and sin. May we always seek the good in people and turn out eyes to you and help our brothers and sisters around us. Forgive us when we fail and give us strength to do your good.

Thank you for all of your love in our lives. Thank you for watching over our school and church and everyone who comes into contact with us. We are so very thankful as well for your love and protection over us!

Father you know the needs of our students and families best. Please be with all of those who are hurting, how are in need and all of those who yearn for belonging. Continue to bless our school and church and all those in it's arms as though we were in your arms!

In your powerful name we pray, Amen!


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