
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

Dear Jesus,

We rejoice because of your love! We rejoice because of your sacrifice! We rejoice because we are called to be your children! We praise you for your wonderful acts of goodness and love to all of us and are thankful that you continue to provide for us in so many wonderful ways.

Event though we fall short, you are there to pick us up. Please forgive our shortfalls and continue to forgive our sins.

In thankfulness we come to you for so many blessings. We are thankful for the blessing of kids who come to school laughing and eager to learn. We are thankful for the blessing of great teachers and leaders at the school and church. We are also thankful for so many wonderful parents who give selflessly of their time and talents.

We come to you Jesus to ask for healing to those who are sick. We ask for continued success in school. We ask you to be with us in worship in church and to bring in those who need you to hear your Good Word. Bless our church and school!

We ask this all in your precious name, Jesus! Amen!


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