Forgiveness is Blessedness

"Blessed is the one
    whose transgressions are forgiven,
    whose sins are covered." Psalm 32:1

Father God,

As your children we are blessed to call you Father, Creator and our Salvation! We give you thanks and praise for all of our gifts that we receive from you each day!

We come before you in humility and acknowledge our sin. We humbly as for your forgiveness.

Thank you Father for our blessings, which are new each morning. Thank you that you cover our sins. Thank you for always being the one true God and Father in our lives.

We ask you to please continue to be with Steve Grack. Continue to give him strength and healing. Be with the Grack family as they go through this with Steve. Be with all of those who are sick and needing your healing. Continue to bless our church and school so that we might continue to go out into the world to spread your good news, kindness and love.

We love you! Amen!


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