Healing of the Heart, Mind, and Body

"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." ~ Jeremiah 17:14

God of the universe,

You alone are God of the universe and giver of all good things. We praise you for your power and might show with the rising sun and the crashing waves and the shooting stars. We are in awe of your divine providence in our lives and forever will give you the glory for the majesty of the universe.

You are so might God and we are so weak. Help our weakness and heal our unbelief. We come before you daily to ask for your forgiveness.

Thank you God and Father for your protection each and everyday. Thank you for your power in our lives and for always loving us like your son, Jesus. Thank you for Jesus and his forgiveness in our lives.

Father we come before you with prayers for divine and miraculous healing for Steve Grack. Lord, the sin of cancer has attacked his body. We ask that if it is your will to heal him and fight back the cancer. Show your power in a miracle for him. Be with all of those who are ill and suffering. There are many in our family of faith who are sick and needing your care. Heal them with your power.

We ask this all in your awesome name! Amen!


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