Christ Lives in Us!

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

Dear Christ Jesus,

As we meditate on your coming death and resurrection, we are in awe of your love and care for us. Although the world is in turmoil, you are constant and give us good gifts. May we always remember that you are always there, through all circumstances.

Help us Lord to trust in you and not in ourselves in all circumstances.

Thank you Jesus for living the perfect life, giving the perfect sacrifice, and rising in ultimate perfect glory! Easter reminds us that we too have that gift of everlasting life. Thank you for your love and free grace given to us daily!

Lord Jesus we humbly come before you and ask you to heal our world. We are in a sin-sick world, but also a world that is filled with fear and physical sickness. Heal those who are inflicted with COVID-19 and other diseases. Be the families that are struggling through the virus and it's lingering aftermath. We boldly ask you to heal us and bring us back together into your community of faith and learning. We love worshipping you and in your glory. May we come back together soon to worship as a community in person. You have blessed our school so much. Continue to keep your hand of blessing on us and all families!



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