Give what is Good!

"The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest." Psalm 85:12

Dear heavenly Father:

In you all things are made perfect. We ask that you make our world free from this virus pandemic. We ask that you heal all those that are sick and bring them back to their families. Father, you created the universe, thank you for watching over us, your creation and dearly loved children.

Father, so many people are affected by the coronavirus. Please bring needed help to those in need. Be with all those who have lost work, lost jobs, and lost income. Give them comfort and bring them resolution to their worries. As ask that all businesses be blessed during this time and that you bring them through this terrible time.

Creator, be with our students, families and teacher during this time. We all dearly miss each other. Bring us back soon so that we can pray, worship and love each other as our community. We love to worship together and can't wait for this to be over.

Please destroy the virus and bring your world back into some order. Lord, we commend all of this into your hands!



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