Build Them Up

"Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up." Romans 15:2

Dear Jesus,

You build us up so that we can build others up. We praise you for your love and saving grace for us daily. May we use that love and grace to do good in our communities and to our neighbors. We want to transform the world in your name and for your glory.

Jesus please forgive us our sins and provide us with a clear conscious that we may live in your love. Help us to avoid the traps of the devil and seek your face at all times.

Thank you loving Savior for all of your goodness and mercy toward St. John's and our entire community. Thank you for keeping us safe and providing so many blessings. Be with us and continue to bless us throughout the end of the school year and beyond.

Jesus please continue to be with those that need your healing touch. Continue to be with our students as they complete all of the end of the year activities. Be with our teachers as they close out the year successfully. Be with everyone as they prepare for summer and all of those activities and vacations. Keep us all in your care!



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