Mighty Warrior

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zechariah 3:17

Lord God,

You are the Mighty Warrior in our life that fights for our souls each day. Your power over the devil and death gives us eternal hope. We praise you and take delight in your amazing love for us! May we always rejoice in the love you give us freely.

We confess our sins to you Lord. Although we deserve punishment for our sins, you give us love and grace. Help us to always remember the incredible sacrifice you provided for us by your death and resurrection.

Thank you God for the blessings that you pour out on St. John's and all of the students, staff, teachers, and parents. You give us so much and we are so thankful. Our hope is in you and you along, Lord!

Mighty Warrior, continue to heal those that need your healing power. Provide miracles where needed to restore people. Continue to blessings the school year as we close it out and move into summer. Be with each of our families, new and old, and give them everything they need to move closer to you Lord God, Heavenly Father!

We love you Lord! Amen!


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